Computer Use Policy


To ensure that the library operates in accordance with the library’s mission, values, and vision, the West Linn Public Library has established this Computer Use Policy to promote library services, protect library resources, foster safety, and protect the rights of all patrons and library staff while providing access to electronic resources, materials, and the Internet.

The West Linn Public Library offers public access computers, a publicly-available wireless internet network, and children’s computers.  The following Rules and Procedures apply to patrons using any of these resources, as well as any other similar electronic devices (e.g. laptops, tablets, or e-readers) the Library may provide for patron use in the future.  The library's computer system provides the opportunity to integrate electronic resources from information networks around the world with the library's other resources. The library strives to balance the rights of users to access information resources with the rights of users to work in a public environment free from sounds and images intended to harass other library users or library staff.

The library's goal in providing Internet access is to enhance its existing collection in size and depth and, as a public access agency, to give anyone who wishes to use the Internet the chance to do so.  However, the Library is not responsible for materials on the Internet, nor the protection, of Internet users from inaccurate information.


If you are attaching personal electronic equipment to a library computer or using your personal laptop to access the wireless connection, the library cannot guarantee that your equipment will work with the computers available or the wireless network provided.  Do not leave your equipment unattended.  The library is not responsible for equipment that is lost or stolen.

Computer users may attach equipment, such as storage devices and other media, provided usage of the equipment does not violate any of the Computer Use Rules and Procedures. The library does not guarantee that external devices will work on public computers.  The library is not responsible for damage to your media or for corruption of your data, including damage caused by mechanical malfunction or corruption caused by virus or spyware infection while using library computers.

Individuals entering personal information such as credit card or banking information, home addresses, or telephone numbers do so at their own risk.  If you are using the wireless connection provided for library patrons, it is not secure; use caution when transmitting personal information.

Illegal activities or activities that interfere with or disrupt the network, users, services or equipment are prohibited and not protected by the library's privacy policy. The library does not routinely monitor public computers, but reserves the right to do so when a violation of this policy or illegal activity is suspected. Staff is authorized to take immediate action to protect the security of computers and the network and to enforce the following rules. This includes confiscating any removable media, requiring a user to leave a computer or the premises, and contacting law enforcement authorities.  You are responsible for complying with copyright law, licensing agreements and the policies of individual websites that you view.


To best serve children, all computers in designated children's areas are for the use of children 14 years of age or younger and for adult caregivers accompanying or assisting children.  Computers in the children’s area shall not be used to access material inappropriate for minors.  As with other areas of the library, the responsibility for monitoring minors when using library computer resources rests with their parents or legal guardians.


Most wireless devices should recognize the library network automatically, but if you have trouble accessing a wireless connection you should know that:

  • Library staff does not assist users in obtaining a wireless connection.
  • Signal strength may vary throughout the library. You may need to move to a different location within the library if you are having trouble securing a connection or staying online.
  • Library staff cannot perform repairs or troubleshoot your equipment.

In addition to all applicable rules below, blocking aisles, exits, or access to materials, resources, or equipment, or creating a hazardous situation, due to the location of electrical cords from personal devices is prohibited.


Using the Library's computers, or connecting to the Public Wi-Fi network, signifies patron agreement to abide by these Rules and Procedures.

  1. Computer users must sign up for computer use before beginning their session. Computer stations will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Usage of computers/devices is limited to a fixed, daily allotment based on expected demand and computer availability. Patrons may be granted additional time on a space-available basis.
  2. Promptly give up the computer when your time has elapsed and/or when requested by staff.
  3. You may download files using supported media.
  4. Respect other's privacy by not attempting to observe or comment on what others are viewing.
  5. Remain sensitive to the fact that you are working in a public environment shared by people of all ages. Stop viewing any site that creates a hostile environment for other library users and staff. If a staff member asks you to stop, do not view similar sites when others are present.
  6. Use headphones when listening to audio content, and keep the volume low so you do not disturb others.
  7. As a courtesy to others, log off completely when you are finished with your session. This also protects the privacy of your search.
  8. Do not gather around computers when doing so may obstruct others or create noise that distracts others.
  9. Children's computers in all locations are for the exclusive use of children and their accompanying caregivers, whether the computers are in use or not.
  10. Do not use another person's library card, with or without permission, to sign up or log on to a computer.
  11. Use of outside paper or cardstock in library printers is prohibited.
  12. Do not misuse computer equipment or software. Misuse includes, but is not limited to:
  • Viewing material that violates federal, state or local laws or regulations, including those regarding: copyright; transmission of material that is harassing, libeling, or slandering; and accessing, viewing, printing and distributing obscenity or child pornography.
  • Displaying any picture, or image of a person, or portion of a human body that depicts nudity, sexual conduct or other images prohibited by ORS 167.080. The computer terminals are visible to minors.
  • Displaying or printing materials that violate West Linn's policy on sexual harassment.
  • Interfering with system operations, integrity or security.
  • Attempting unauthorized entry into, or hacking of, the library system or any other computer system.
  • Mishandling, damaging or attempting to damage computer equipment or software.
  • Attempting to gain or gaining access to another person's files or library card number.
  • Violating copyright laws, software licensing agreements, or the policies of the individual websites that you view.
  • Refusing or ignoring a staff person's request to give up a computer.
  • Failing to sign up for an Internet computer; failing to log in using your own library card number.
  • Failing to comply with time limits for use.
  • Violating other users’ right to privacy or interfering with the ability of others’ to access and view material.
  • Engaging in any activity, which is disruptive to other library users or violates that Library’s Behavior Rules and Policies.

West Linn Public Library staff reserves the right to terminate usage of computer resources for any patron who violates this Policy or exhibits behavior contrary to the Library’s Behavior Rules and Policies. Further actions, such as removal from the premises, expulsion from the Library for a period of one day to one year, or arrest and prosecution may also be taken.
Staff will enforce this policy in a fair and reasonable manner. Every effort will be made to address possible violations using common sense and sensitivity, and to resolve issues in a constructive and positive manner without escalation. The enforcement actions described in the Library’s Behavior Rules and Policies shall also apply to this Policy.


This policy will be reviewed regularly by library staff to ensure that it meets community needs. It may be revised only with the formal review of the Library Board.


This policy was adopted on July 24, 2013.