Neighborhood Plan
We are a neighborhood that has worked in partnership with the City to create a family friendly neighborhood encompassing all age groups that is beautiful with protected streams, wetlands and natural areas.
We have better access to the river, and we enjoy the community park facility at Mary S. Young State Park adjacent to the neighborhood where we gather, visit and enjoy concerts and special events. All of the parks in the neighborhood are complete and are well maintained. Their primary focus is serving the recreational needs of the neighborhood. Residents and visitors use each park heavily. The School District has developed an over-flow parking area on the school grounds. Community sporting events held at the neighborhood schools and parks provide for safe and adequate parking.
Along Highway 43, there is a 35 mph speed limit and the two travel lanes and left turn lane make traveling along the route very safe and friendly with sidewalks, walkways and bikeways that are separated from the roadway and pedestrian friendly. We now enjoy a standard landscape and lighting theme and a city entry sign at the north end of the neighborhood. The City repaired the low spot in Highway 43 at Mary S. Young State Park, and a joint City and neighborhood effort keep the entire length of the roadway clean and inviting. Users of transit buses along Highway 43 have the benefit of frequent, reliable, and comfortable service.
Our “business district” now exists along Highway 43 where locally-owned businesses thrive. There are no large retailers in the neighborhood. We all enjoy walking and biking in the business district and our retailers are successful. The business district provides adequate parking.
By working together with the City, we have been able to retain our strong sense of neighborhood. New development matches what has been here and fits in to enhance our sense of livability and friendliness. There are no small lots in the neighborhood. No re-zonings have been approved allowing the neighborhood to retain it sense of friendliness.
We now have a mix of affordable housing in the neighborhood that fits in with our history of housing styles and types. There are no large houses that dominate the neighbors. We stand by our historic residential and commercial densities and design and retain our historic sense of community and appearance.
Residents have sidewalks where they want to have them and where they aid in keeping pedestrians and our children safe. Most of the neighborhood does not have sidewalks but does have safe walking/biking shoulders on the roadways. Shoulders and bike paths are important to the safety of all.
Our City and Police Department enforces all of the local laws that make this neighborhood safe and enhance our livability. The City and neighborhood enforce codes in a courteous manner.
The trail and pathway/roadway system has been completed and is used by citizens from all over the community. The trail system connects with existing trails and roadways throughout West Linn and helps us to maintain our high sense of livability. The neighborhood respects the residents’ ownership rights to the privacy and personal use of their property.
Marylhurst Drive has been improved and widened and the covered ditch makes the road safe for drivers and pedestrians.
Robinwood is a friendly, family-oriented community that welcomes newcomers and encourages all to be engaged in the activities of the neighborhood and City government. The City always consults with the neighborhood on development proposals and policy changes.
The City has agreed to consult with the neighborhood and to work in collaboration with residents in all aspects of the community. This carefully-crafted relationship has been responsible for the creation of our wonderful neighborhood.