The Streets Division is part of the West Linn Public Works department. The goals of the Streets Division are:
Provide safe travel for emergency/public safety vehicles, school busses, and the driving public by the maintenance of predetermined snow routes
Provide protection to the public by closure of hazardous areas
Provide citizens with aesthetically pleasing roadsides maintained in a manner as to allow sight distance and good visibility of signage.
Assure proper drainage from road surfaces and prolong pavement life.
Maintain proper right-of-way clearances and enforce nuisance abatement.
Protect vehicular and pedestrian traffic and assist in the prevention of crime.
Provide cost effective, safe driving surfaces through condition rating inspections, analysis, rehabilitation, and maintenance of the City's transportation system.
Construct and/or alter the infrastructure to meet present and future needs.
Extend and maintain a safe network of pathways and bike lanes within the street rights-of-way.