Committee for Citizen Involvement


The Committee for Citizen Involvement meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm in the Bolton Room at City Hall. CCI meetings are conducted in a hybrid format, with some Members, staff, presenters, and public members attending remotely via Webex and others attending in person. Click here to view the upcoming agenda.

Those who wish to participate remotely should complete the speaker form before 4:00 pm on the meeting day to receive an invitation to join the meeting. Virtual participants can log in through a computer, mobile device, or telephone.

If you require special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call City Hall 48 hours before the meeting date at 503-657-0331.


The CCI values citizen input and welcomes ideas and opinions on citizen engagement. Email correspondences to Committee for Community Involvement should be sent through the staff liaison or to Submit written comments by email to the staff liaison before 4:00 pm on the meeting day.


The CCI is a seven-member citizen advisory board advocating for citizen involvement. The purpose of the CCI is as follows:

  • The CCI is an independent body intended to function as a watchdog and advocate for citizen involvement.
  • The CCI serves to facilitate portions of the community's role mandated by the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission, Goal 1 (OAR 660-015-000(1), relating to public involvement in all phases of the planning process. This is done by:
    • Promoting and enhancing involvement in land use planning as required by Oregon State Planning Goal 1;
    • Evaluating the citizen involvement process; and
    • Making recommendations to the City Council to improve the citizen involvement process.
  • The CCI assists the City Council in developing methods by which West Linn residents can participate in the decision-making process of City government.
  • The CCI shall also serve as a resource, liaison, and conduit for the City's officially established Neighborhood Associations (hereafter referred to as NAs) by providing support for individual and collective NA’s activities and concerns.
  • CCI will also consider a broad range of issues affecting the livability and quality of the City's neighborhoods as they relate to the West Linn Comprehensive Plan (WLCP).
  • The CCI is an advisory board and makes recommended actions to the City Council, Planning Commission, and other Community Advisory Groups (CAG’s). The CCI is not a decision-making body.
Committee Members are: 
  • Shannen Knight
  • Vicki Olson
  • Tanner Woody
  • Gary Walvatne
  • Holly DeShaw
  • Beau Genot
  • Charley Anderson

Council Liaison - Councilor Mary Baumgardner

Staff Liaison - Danielle Choi