Emergency Business Assistance Grant Program - Round 2
September 23, 2020
Emergency Business Assistance Grant Program
The City of West Linn has created a second round Emergency Business Assistance Grant Program intended to provide financial assistance to small businesses adversely affected by economic conditions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Submission deadline is September 30th at 5:00pm. West Linn small businesses (less than 25 employees), sole proprietors, and businesses owned by members of historically disadvantaged population groups are encouraged to apply.
Questions can be emailed to cwl_communitygrants@westlinnoregon.gov. More details and applications in multiple languages are available here.
Free Masks and Gloves for Small Businesses
Last week, Governor Brown announced a new program to provide masks and gloves to small business in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Governor, in partnership with the Oregon Legislature’s Emergency Board, allocated $10 million from the federal CARES Act funding for the purchase of protective supplies. The state of Oregon is fulfilling orders at no charge until resources are depleted.
West Linn-Wilsonville District Expanded Meal Distribution
This past Monday, September 21, the West Linn-Wilsonville School District began delivering meals to 60 unique locations across the District in addition to school locations. Meals will be delivered by bus and are available between 11am and 1:15pm Monday through Friday. Just like last spring, all meals are FREE for children age 18 and younger. This will continue through the end of December. Buses will be parked at their location for the entire time window, so please stop by and pick up breakfast and lunch! Please view the online map for meal distribution locations.
Back to School: What Classrooms Will Look Like
Even though your local school may not be ready for in-person instruction, you may wonder how teachers, students, and families will stay safe and healthy once schools do reopen. Here are some things to know:
- Oregon schools are required to take specific steps to limit the spread of COVID-19 at school. These steps include sanitizing, screening, use of face coverings; and limiting interactions between groups of students.
- You can view the specific public health and safety plans your school must follow by reviewing the West Linn-Wilsonville Operational Blueprint for Reopening.
You can also learn more about the requirements for Oregon schools by reading ODE's COVID-19 frequently asked questions and Ready Schools, Safe Learners Guidance.