Stay Home, Save Lives in West Linn

March 23, 2020

Earlier today, Governor Kate Brown issued a statewide "Stay Home, Save Lives" order, effective immediately. The order requires Oregonians to stay home except to meet essential needs as defined in the order, and requires social distancing at all times. Oregon Mayors, including West Linn's Mayor Axelrod, have been calling for such an order to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. As difficult as it is, all of us at the City ask you to follow the order as closely as possible to help our community save lives. The actions we all take have real consequences, as hospital treatment capacity is limited for those needing medical intervention.

In terms of additional effects to City of West Linn public services, we will be closing all park play equipment, sports courts, fitness court, skatepark, and all park bathrooms. Parks themselves will remain open as long as physical distancing from others can be maintained. The West Linn Police business office will also now be closed to the public (for emergencies call 911, non-emergency dispatch 503-635-0238, or for other police business matters email We are continuing to assess the order for additional impacts to our community and will communicate them to the public as they arise.

Though all City buildings are closed to the public, essential City utility functions are fully operational and City staff are still working for you (virtually or physically distanced from others). We continue to ask the public to contact us by phone or online if they have questions or need assistance. City contact information and regularly updated information can be found at the City's coronavirus website.

The Governor's News Release can be found here

The Governor's Executive Order details can be found here

Quick Summary Infographic: What you can and can't do under the order

We continue to encourage social distancing and cleanliness precautions in all you do as directed by public health authorities:

Oregon Health Authority

Clackamas County Public Health

Centers for Disease Control